Independence Day 2022 - The History, Story & Glory Of India Since 75 Years Of Independence Day, Monday, 15 August Indian Independence Day 2022

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The History, Story & Glory Of India Since 75 Years Of Independence Day

As we bring in 75 years of our nation's  freedom let us not for a moment forget  that from the moment of freedom  to this moment here right now as i speak  to you  india's sovereignty india's unity has  been threatened  from the outside by adversaries who want  what we want  we've been at war  nearly non-stop since 1947 and over the  next half hour we're going to pay  tribute we're going to relive some of  the moments  of india's glorious hours with guns  guts and glory and starting with india's  highest ever hour which began  after the 1962 and the 1965 was  in 1971. partition communal violence and turmoil  in the months after independence on  august 15 1947 had the indian army  stretched to the limit  taking advantage of the situation  pakistan's founder muhammad ali jinnah  angry about getting what he termed was a  moth eaten pakistan ordered the pakistan  army to aid tribals and raiders to  invade jammu and kashmir and forcibly  take control of the state  thousands of raiders crossed over into  jamun kushmir in mid-october 1947  indulging in the most brutal rape  plunder and murder  maharaja singh sought india's assistance  but the iron man of india then home  minister sardar vallabhbhai patel made  it very clear the indian army could not  land in srinagar till an instrument of  accession was signed  on october the 27th 1947 indian army  troops landed at the srinagar air base  and began to beat back pakistani raiders  and soldiers  this was independent india's baptism by  fire  by december 1947 pakistan was running  low on ammunition and the indian army  was poised to recover pakistan-occupied  kashmir including gilgit and baltistan  after a series of brilliant military  operations  but with the matter taken to the united  nations and a standstill agreement the  stage was set for more conflict in the  future  1962 saw a month-long military operation  both in the northeast and ladakh with  china and india clashing along the  border  a lack of preparedness and absence of  professional military leadership  resulted in a military debacle  in 1965 pakistan tried to take advantage  of the situation by launching operation  gibraltar and operation grand slam to  take jnk by force  under the leadership of lal bahadur  shastri the army not only beat back  pakistani forces but opened a second  front in punjab with the indian army  reaching the outskirts of lahore  pakistan was taken aback by india's air  and land operations  pakistan was defeated and india had  taken back control of the crucial rgb  pass in kashmir  the erstwhile soviet union brokered a  peace treaty at tashkent where india  released all captured territory  including the hard fought and one rgp  bus  but the most decisive victory india's  greatest ever came in 1971  when india split pakistan into two and  bangladesh was born it began with the pakistan army's  unprecedented atrocities on bengalis of  then east pakistan thousands of women were raped and  murdered millions fled across the border  to india  then prime minister indira gandhi  decided to help liberate  then bangladesh of the army staff  general sam maniksha sought six months  time post the monsoons to launch his  operations  the indian armed forces prepared for  holding operations towards the west and  a blitz creek for the capture of dhaka  the 13-day war saw information warfare  played a critical role where the air  dropped by a battalion at dungale  appeared in the world media as an  airdrop by a brigade breaking the morale  of the pakistan army  the indian army is in bangladesh  your air force has been destroyed  you are surrounded on all sides  and if you don't surrender  you will be killed unmercifully  the indian army bypassed all pakistan  army military fortifications on route to  dhaka and lieutenant general aak nyazi  lost the will to fight after a series of  bombings in the capital and seeing the  indian army at his doorstep  december 16 1971 saw the biggest  military surrender after the second  world war when 93 000 pakistan army  soldiers surrendered at dhaka to the  indian army and bangladesh was born we  shall  provide  all  protection and safety  no measures  of represent would be taken  professional military leadership and  battle-hardened soldiers having learned  their lessons well from the 1962 debacle  and the 1965 stalemate comprehensively  defeated the pakistan army  this was india's greatest hour  india has always had unreliable  neighbors especially china and pakistan  in 1999 many of you will remember that  things were actually really good between  india and pakistan there was a  diplomatic bus ride that atal bihari  vajpayee the then prime minister had  mounted to laura but little did the  country and the system know that the  pakistan army under then general pervez  musharraf  had completely different plans  in kargil here's  how india responded  february 1999 saw then prime minister  atal bihari vajpayee undertake the  lahore bus journey to write a new  chapter of peace with pakistan  as the peace pastor lahore was crossing  the waga border pakistan army soldiers were crossing  over  under cover of darkness into india's  cargill sector drast the battalion  heights in ladakh  pakistan's game plan was to cut off the  national highway from srinagar to lay at  dras and kaksa and cut off access to  lake siachen and eastern  then pakistan army chief general parvez  musharraf wanted to avenge pakistan's  defeat at the siachen glacier when the  indian army unfurled the tri-colour at  the world's highest battlefield beating  back the pakistan army's attempts to  occupy the saltoro ridgeline in april  1984  foreign  cargill came as a rude shock for india  basking in the diplomatic glory of the  lahore bus journey  in early may 1999 indian convoys came  under attack on route delay the cargill ammunition depot went up in  flames and summer patrols both in  vitalik and kaksar went missing  india still could not believe pakistan  had stabbed india in the back blaming  terrorists for  well we have been having some of those  incidents and we had anticipated that  there could be some escalation and it  appears that our anticipation is not  only wrong  but we are fully equipped to deal with  it once realization dawned that these  weren't terrorists the indian army  launched operation vijay and the indian  air force launched operation safe sagar  to evict the intruders from heights  between 14 to 18 000 feet from the  mushkor valley through dras kaksar  kargil batalik and near the southern end  of the siachen glaciers  on the night of june the 12th 100 guns  including 155 millimeter howitzers boom  together decimating pakistani troops on  tololing in drafts  the hundred gun concept was tested and  then over the next 45 days from tiger  hill to 0.4875 jubar to kaluban vitalik  infantry artillery and air operations  was systematically launched to dislodge  the pakistan army soldiers  telephone  foreign believe that bofors howitzers and mirage  2000 fighter jets had been pressed into  service  in panic fearing an escalation  pakistan's then prime minister nawaz  sharif was sent to the u.s to help  broker a ceasefire  however india insisted pakistan must  withdraw to the other side of the line  of control  and on july 26 operation vijay was  declared a success with the complete  defeat and retreat of pakistan from  kargil however this was a hard-fought victory  with 530 brave indian soldiers having  made the supreme sacrifice of their  lives to recover the cargill heights  from the pakistani intrusion once again india had defeated pakistan  in a conventional war fought for the  first time after nuclear test by both  countries the line of control between india and  pakistan occupied kashmir has been a hot  live frontier for many many years now  but it was in 2016 after pakistani  terrorists infiltrated across this line  and killed innumerable army jawans in  uri  that the indian army the indian system  really woke up and realized it needed to  go deeper than it ever had done before  the surgical strikes of 2016 have passed  into legend and even to this day not  much is known about what really happened  but here is what we do know of one of  modern india's finest military hours  the mission that signaled a new india  stunning the country  the world and marking a shift in how  india dealt with its enemies it was in september 2016  when the phrase  came alive the battlefield was the most hostile  territory imaginable  where under cover of darkness teams of  the indian army's special forces  mounted a revenge operation inside  pakistan occupied kashmir  the scale and depth of which india had  never mounted before  the attack had been forced by the  gravest of provocations  an attack by jesse mohammed terrorists  on the army's large camp in uri  a devastating plot that ended with 19  indian soldiers massacred in their sleep 11 days later a grieving but focused  india quietly carried out a historic  retaliation  men from the indian army's four para  special forces infiltrated several  kilometers across the line of control  deep into pakistan occupied kashmir's  valley of terror  videos that came out subsequently  depicted the brutal overnight attack on  park built terror launch pads across the  line of control  throwing new light on the dangerous  assault  depicting the unrelenting firepower  unleashed by the indian special forces  teams as they decimated launch pad after  launch pad with small arms and heavy  weapons  after four hours of hell on earth  unleashed by the indian commandos  resulting in the elimination of 38  trained terrorists and the devastation  of multiple terror staging areas  the assault team retreated back across  the line of control without losing a  single man  the videos that emerged a year later  provided the first visual evidence of  what happened on the night of september  the 29th 2016.  bearing out a brutal nighttime ambush of  a set of clueless launch pads  they further establish the unrelenting  and rapid nature of the mission  on the morning after the return of the  brave indian team the indian army took  an unprecedented step actually  announcing to the country what it had  done  the indian army conducted surgical  strikes last night at these launch pads  the operations  were basically focused  to ensure that these terrorists do not  succeed in their design of infiltration  and carrying out destruction  and  endangering the lives of citizens of our  country  pakistan's sponsored cross-border terror  hasn't stopped by any stretch  but ever since the uri strikes india has  ensured that for every indian killed by  infiltrating terrorists a full multiple  of their ilk pays the price back with  swift uncompromising debt  but unlike that morning after the  surgical strikes  you probably won't ever hear about it  bureau report india today  less than three years after the uri  surgical strikes pakistan struck again  this time in palwama and remember by  this time india had already set a  precedent when provoked and attacked in  this manner when this kind of blood was  spilled india needed to act and that's  the reason why just a few days after the  attack  india responded this time not from the  ground  but from the air  less than two years after the uri attack  terror raised its ugly head once again  in february 2019.  this time a jersey muhammad suicide  bomber rammed his vehicle into a crpf  convoy in kashmir's pulvama  forty jawans were killed in the  devastating high intensity blast  making it the single most damaging  terrorist attack in jammu and kashmir  ever a blood-drenched statistic in a state  that had already seen so much death the terrorists  trained and funded by pakistan had  shaken an india that was steeped in  election mode  it would take 12 days for india to reply  and after the devastating precedent set  by the 2016 surgical strikes  india knew it had little choice but to  take the fight to the enemy again  on the 26th of february 2019 a group of  indian mirage 2000 fighters crossed the  loc in darkness  and unleashed a flurry of bombs at a  jersey mohammed facility nestled in  hills outside pakistan's balakote town  the first aerial strikes on pakistani  territory since the 1971 war would send  shock waves around the world and herald  a new paradigm for indian retribution to  pakistan's terror factories  balakot would become a buzzword for  decisive punitive action  raising temperatures during election  season and putting the onus fully on a  muscular new india that was reaffirming  that it would not take terror attacks  lightly anymore  the names of the hero pilots would only  emerge a year later the five indian air force pilots who  flew into hostile airspace in their  mirage 2000 fighters they spent only a  few minutes in hostile airspace  launching their precision weapons  weapons that would glide many kilometers  into pakistan and smashed down into that  terror facility on a hilltop outside  balacode city  a mission that has passed into legend  the very same day  but there were tangible lessons learned  lesson one choice of weapon  configuration  the indian air force launched munitions  that had been fitted with penetration  warheads in other words they were rigged  to first pierce through the roof and  floor of the facility before exploding  to cause maximum casualties  given the massive denials by pakistan  and the claims and counter claims that  followed the indian air force feels it  could have fitted some of the spice 2000  munitions with high explosive warheads  so that the destruction would have been  fully visible on the surface too and  brought down the buildings  lesson two choice of weapon itself the spice 2000 precision guided munition  used by the air force to bomb balakut's  jabba top didn't have a video feed that  could have provided even more visual  proof of the accuracy of the strike  experts have wondered whether under  better weather conditions the air force  could have deployed the israeli-made  crystal maze munitions which would have  provided a live video feed of the full  flight path till the target the indian air force executed balacode  with precision but three years is a long  time in air power  new enemies at its border and a whole  new war-like paradigm means that the  next balacode if it would happen  will have far fewer lessons and no room  for propaganda bureau report india today and finally remember when i said that  we've been nearly constantly at war we  literally are even now  with our biggest adversary on our  doorstep for nearly three years and  counting  we're talking about china the eastern  ladakh standoff that has settled into a  status quo with 200 000 troops smashed  on both sides in a war-like situation  that doesn't really have an end in sight  remember what i said  india continues to be  even in its 75th year  at what  elevated combat air activity in ladakh a result of the chinese air force  violating indian air space repeatedly in  recent days  just around the time that the china  taiwan flashpoint has heated up  india has witnessed a marked ramp up in  chinese air power provocations  the latest manifestation of india's  newest and perhaps biggest ever defense  challenge in 75 years of independence in the most hostile high-altitude  battlefield on earth  not that the indian military isn't  prepared  since may 2020 when xi jinping's armies  massed along the line of actual control  in eastern ladakh the indian air force  has been deployed big at these icy  heights  from the new rafale jets  to sukhoi fighters and mig-29s  even the new apache attack helicopters  have been chopping through the thin  ladakh air on combat patrol  and now over two years since the world's  largest military standoff began at this  high altitude battlefield  china is busy raising temperatures again  preceding this sudden spurt in airspace  violations and provocations using combat  aircraft china had activated a massive  military aviation build-up unfolding in  clear view of imaging  satellites in march last year the  chinese government approved plans to  construct 20 multi-purpose airfields in  tibet  all signals that point to one thing  china has been preparing for war or at  the very least a new escalation and  expansion of this conflict  with close to two hundred thousand  soldiers now deployed along both sides  of the line of actual control in eastern  ladakh a giant chessboard of a standoff  zone where china moves are being matched  by indian counter moves  as the two asian giants engage in a high  altitude board game  tanks troops missiles and fighter jets  are pieces in the game  last year the indian army decided on one  of its biggest ever reorientations in  history  the indian army which once extensively  planned and prepared for warfare on the  plains of punjab and the sandy wastes of  the thar desert has been forced to  reconfigure itself to fight along a  second front the high altitude deserts  of the world's toughest battlefield in  ladakh  the official term for this historic move  towards the north is rebalancing  but for a standoff that began in may  2020 on the banks of the pangong lake  there's no sign of any major  de-escalation  two years since the chinese have begun  building access infrastructure literally  on a war footing very close to where the  whole standoff actually started  the chinese have also built permanent  accommodations for their troops allowing  two winters and counting to freeze the  new status quo into the ground  india isn't sitting around helplessly of  course building its own infrastructure  and roads in ladakh and posing a running  challenge to chinese forces  you don't hear much from ladakh anymore  like you used to in 2020 and 2021 when  india took the challenge to china's door  but make no mistake india's biggest  military challenge and strategic threat  since 1947 continues to build  in the freezing hellscape of ladakh's  highest altitudes  india's biggest ever deployment  continues to stand guard  bureau report india today  75 years of freedom  have been the result of fighting of  defending and people who've made the  supreme sacrifice as we journey through  these war let's never forget those  who've laid down their lives given their  blood for the freedom of this country  thank you for watching.


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